Summer and Fall 2022 Master's degrees
The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates' degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student's official graduation status.
Graduate Programs
- Kodie Aceves
MA Elementary Education - Alhassan Ahmed
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Hasan Ahmed
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Mary Albrecht
MS Mechanical Engineering - Anahita Alibalazadeh
MS Electrical Engineering - Sai Srinath Alla
MS Computer Engineering - Samantha Allen
MA Elementary Education - Linzy Amador
MSN Nursing - Sunjana Amin
MS Electrical Engineering - Guillermo Anaya
MS Mechanical Engineering
"Particle Image Velocimetry Methodology For Calculating The Advective Losses At The Solar Tower For The Gen 3 Concentrated Solar Power System" - Alisha Anderson
MFA Art Studio
"Absence + Presence: In other wor(l)ds, the materiality of distance" - Antonia Anderson
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Jazmine Anderson
MA Family and Child Studies - Matt Andrade
MA Elementary Education - Akil Andrews
MS Computer Science - Sidney Andrews
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Antonia Androski
MS Biology - Valarie Antone
EDSPC Educational Leadership - Nicollette Appel
MS Anthropology - Kylee Aragon
MA Museum Studies
"The Body Articulated: Gender Violence and the Performative Turn in Mexico" - Fabián Armijo
MHA Health Administration - Jeremy Armijo
MA Family and Child Studies
"Longitudinal Study of the Relations Between Corporal Punishment and Children's Aggression: The Mediating Role of Self-Regulation" - Monica Asencio Pimentel
GCERT Autism Spectrum Disorder - Darian Ashe
MOT Occupational Therapy - Joshua Atencio
MS Electrical Engineering - Caitlin Babbitt
MS Biology - Evan Babcock
MS Civil Engineering
"Permeability and Porosity of Loose Granular Salt" - Anissa Baca
MA Chicana and Chicano Studies - Kevin Baca
GCERT Music Performance - Nicholas Bacon
MS Computer Science - Maryam Bahmani
MS Biology - Zachery Baiamonte
MCRP Community & Regional Planning
"Estimating Vehicle Infrastructure: Downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico" - Bryan Baldizan
MS Physical Education - Abigail Bamberg
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Esmeralda Barajas
MS Nutrition - George Baraque
MCM Construction Management - Brendon Barone
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Noelle Baroody
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Brenna Barrera
MMU Music - Darryl Benally
MS Optical Science & Engineering - William Benitez
MA Counseling - hally Bert
MCRP Community & Regional Planning - Maimouna Bio Gado
MA French - Loyola Bird
EDSPC Educational Leadership - Ian Birdwell
MS Physics - Lisa Bishop
MA Special Education - Claire Blackwell
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Melinda Blea
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Ansel Blumenthal
MS Mechanical Engineering - Lynette Bogart
MSN Nursing - Brandon Bohanon
MS Nuclear Engineering - Chantel Bollinger
MFA Art Studio
"Baby, We Bulletproof (Public Talk)" - Kara Bond
MA Anthropology - Bo Bostinto
MHA Health Administration - Marcy Botwick
MA Museum Studies
"The Dance of Domesticity: How gender can obscure lived experience at museums" - Shane Bramley
MS Computer Engineering - Kendra Brand
MPA Public Administration - Kami Bratzel
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Rosalba Breazeale
MFA Art Studio
"Poems From Kay Pacha" - Jennifer Breck
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Petra Brown
MA Museum Studies - Veronica Burciaga Vasquez
MS Biomedical Engineering - Nathan Burt
MS Electrical Engineering - Magen Byrd
PMS Global & National Security - Zoila Caamano-Pumarol
MA Art Education
"Art as Experience: A Case for Art Museum field trips in New Mexico's Public School Art Education" - Selina Cadena
MOT Occupational Therapy - Lisa Caravello
MS Chemical Engineering
"Formation and Interrogation of a Modeling Excel Database for Sorbent Preconcentrate with GC/MS" - Hannah Carlon
MS Psychology - Antonello Carloni
MS Nuclear Engineering - Cody Carlson
MA Anthropology - Cory Carnes
PMS Global & National Security - Hector Carrillo
MA Counseling - Saul Carrillo
MS Physical Education - Rose Cary
MA Elementary Education - Steven Cary
MA Art History
"Constantino Escalante's Lithographs in La Orquesta and the National Legacy of the Mexican Constitution of 1857" - Joel Casas
MA Family and Child Studies - Nicole Castellano
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Joselin Castillo
MA Latin American Studies - Jacob Centeno
MA Political Science - Christopher Chavez
MA Native American Studies - Jakob Chavez
MA Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies - Joshua Chavez
MS Mechanical Engineering
"Evolution Of Shock-driven Multi-phase Instability" - Rachel Chavez
MSN Nursing - Saki Chavez
MSN Nursing - Valentina Chee
MS Nutrition - ZhuoWei Chen
MS Computer Engineering - Kai-Li Cheng
MS Computer Science - Yongchao Chi
MA Special Education - Cameron Chock
MS Pharmaceutical Science - Lauren Church
MS Nutrition - Edwina Cisneros
MPA Public Administration - Jared Clance
MS Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Petrographic and Geochemical Records of Climate Perturbation in Carbonates from a Perennially Ice-Covered Antarctic Lake" - Emma Cleary
MS Biology - Adva Cohen
MS Physical Education - Ryan Colvin
MS Computer Engineering - Katherine Conley
MA Museum Studies
"Is Digitization Enough?: Evaluating the Effects of Digitization on Researcher Engagement with a Photographic Collection at an Academic Archive" - Mary Costello
MPP Public Policy - Kerry Cottle
MFA Art Studio
"Soft Energy Paths" - Leticia Crisp
MS Physical Education - Christina Cruz
MSN Nursing - Maria Cruz
MS Civil Engineering
"The Impact Of Murals On Trafic Safety: A Behavior And Crash Analysis" - Samaira Currence
MOT Occupational Therapy - Katlyn Cuyler
MA Special Education - Lindsay Dale
GCERT Clinical Translation Science - Lindsay Dale
MS Biomedical Sciences
"Implementation of Pharmacy Access to Hormonal Contraception" - Gabriella Dalton
MS Mathematics
"Sparse Spectral-Tau Methods for the Two-Dimensional Helmholtz Problem Posed on a Rectangular Domain" - Justin Damm
MA Elementary Education - Desa Daniel
GCERT Race & Social Justice - Amanda Daniels
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Zack Daniels
MS Electrical Engineering - Jessica De Sanctis
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Fatima Del Angel Guevara
MA Anthropology - Devin DeLeon-Dowd
MS Statistics - Elena Delgado
MS Computer Science - Marisa Demarco
MFA Art Studio
"In Sleep Is Where I Find You" - Luke Denoyer
MS Chemical Engineering - Delaney Doctor
MA Special Education - Claire Doherty
MS Biology - Abraham Dominguez Hernandez
MS Computer Science - Anna Dreskin
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Casey Elizondo
MS Computer Engineering - Jacob Ellis
MS Electrical Engineering - Sarah Ellis
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Dawn Eriacho
EDSPC Educational Leadership - Faith Espiritu-Torres
MA Counseling - Eden Esquibel
MA History
"Emotional Villages in the Medieval Mediterranean: Territorial Language of Emotional Expression, 644-1508 C.E." - Rebecca Fabian
MSN Nursing - Liz Fain
MS Biology
"Plant responses to drought in a semiarid grassland: an isotopic approach" - Ranran Fan
MFA Art Studio
"¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Walking On Transience" - Timothy Farkas
MS Statistics - Destiny Fellers
MS Nutrition - Jennifer Flake
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Sean Fleck
MOT Occupational Therapy - Bobby Flores
MS Nutrition - Nichole Fluke
MS Statistics
"Functional Data Analysis of COVID-19" - Christian Fowler
MS Mathematics
"Convexity of Regularized Optimal Transport Dissimilarity Measures for Signed Signals" - Michael French
MS Electrical Engineering - Cary Fulford
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Karin Fulford
MS Electrical Engineering
"High-resolution Fiber Imaging for Pulsed Power Experiments" - Lee Galbraith
MA Special Education - Michelle Gallarza
MS Nutrition - Damian Gallegos
MS Mechanical Engineering
"Run-to-Run Control via Constrained Optimization of a Mechanical Serial-Sectioning System" - Ashley Garcia
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Cassandra Garcia
MSN Nursing - Sofia Garcia
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Stephanie Garcia
MA Elementary Education - Victoria Garcia
MA Educational Psychology - Maria Constanza Garrido Sierralta
MA Philosophy - Christine Gaudette
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Natalie Gayoso
MS Civil Engineering
"Techno-Economic Analysis of Atmospheric Water Harvesting Across Climates" - Andrew Gentry
MS Physics - Devin Geraci
MA Museum Studies - Shuprio Ghosh
MS Nuclear Engineering - Robin Gibbs
MOT Occupational Therapy - Rikki Giron
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Kasun Prabhath Gode Withanage
MS Electrical Engineering - Dominique Gomez
MSN Nursing - Nathan Gomez
MS Nutrition - Monica Goncalves Garcia
MS Psychology - Amber Gonzales
MPH Public Health - Brianna Gonzales
GCERT Applied Behavior Analysis - Shannen Gonzales
MOT Occupational Therapy - Jose Gonzalez
MHA Health Administration - Jeffrey Good
MMU Music - Ryan Goodner
MS Computer Science - Morris Goodrich
MS Statistics
"Neural Network Algorithms as Nonparametric Regression" - Irina Gorshkova
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Benjamin Gousse
MS Mechanical Engineering - Jennifer Gradine-Tako
MS Computer Science - Jacob Graves
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Ashley Gray
MA Counseling - Howard Griego
MA Chicana and Chicano Studies
"Nuevomexicana/o Identity Affirmations through Chicana and Chicano Muralism" - Diahndra Grill
MA Chicana and Chicano Studies - Jessica Grindell
MOT Occupational Therapy - Brian Grover
MSN Nursing - Nathan Guido
MS Mechanical Engineering - Christine Gustafson
MA Special Education - Alicia Gutierrez
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Peter Hackett
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Genevieve Hagopian
MA Philosophy - M Hall
MS Physical Education - Shaho Hamadamin
MS Electrical Engineering - Lyric Hammonds
MSN Nursing - Deiter Hanbicki
MS Nuclear Engineering - Shoshana Handel
MA History - Barrett Harding
MOT Occupational Therapy - Clara Harig
MA Economics - Benjamin Harris
MA Counseling - Maren Hatch
MS Electrical Engineering - Megan Hattey
MA History
"Visionary Women or Suspected Witches: The Shifting Use and Construction of Reputation in Accusations of Witchcraft During the High and Late Middle Ages" - Daniel Hayek
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Marissa Heller
MS Geography
"Rock Climbing and Conservation in Land Management: Can They Coexist?" - Caitlin Henke
MOT Occupational Therapy - Erick Hernandez
MA Elementary Education - Stacie Hernandez
MS Electrical Engineering - Arturo Herrera
MCM Construction Management - Benjamin Hidalgo
MS Mechanical Engineering - Monica Hinga
MS Computer Science
"LENS: A Novel Image Processing-Based Approach for Low-Cost Segmentation of Computed Tomography Scans of Lungs" - Channing Hofman
MCRP Community & Regional Planning - Jeremy Holder
MS Mechanical Engineering - Mohammad Sazzad Hossain
MS Electrical Engineering
"A Study on Electromagnetic Topology Optimization Using Binary Particle Swarm Algorithm" - Yo Jane Hsieh
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Jared Hughes
MMU Music
"Project Title: Teacher Evaluation for Music Educators in the Vail Unified School District" - Derek Hunsaker
MA Elementary Education - Roselyn Hurlow
MS Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Deformation of Antigorite + Olivine Aggregates: Implications for Mantle Wedge Dynamics" - Fatima Ibrihem
GCERT Elementary Education - Leslie Ibuado
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Charles Jackel
MS Electrical Engineering - Colton Jackson
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Noah Jackson
MS Electrical Engineering - Jenilee Jao
MS Computer Engineering
"Reinforcement Learning-based Demand Response Management in Smart Grid Systems with Prosumers" - John Jarrett
EDSPC Educational Leadership - Sara Jeffreys
MS Physics - Shannen Jimenez
MOT Occupational Therapy - Jessica Johnson
MS Biology
"Sensitivities of dryland mammals to mean and variance in aridity" - Mikayla Johnson
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Alma Jurado
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Tanya Kallan
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Jonathan Kane
MS Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Tree Ring Isotopic Reconstruction of Hurricane Dolores" - Steven Kao
MS Mathematics - Jaimy Karacaoglu
MENG Civil Engineering - Kylee Kennedy
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Jawad Khalaf
MS Biomedical Engineering - Fahad Khan
MS Electrical Engineering - Rabia Khan
MS Biomedical Engineering - Zafrul Hakim Khan
MENG Civil Engineering - Deborah Kieltyka
MA Educational Leadership
"Factors Considered by Students When Choosing a University" - Emily Kim
MARCH Architecture - Brittany King
MFA Art Studio
"Na¿¿¿iidzee¿¿" - Zachary Kirch
MS Electrical Engineering - Brandon Kirkpatrick
MS Mechanical Engineering - Jared Kirsch
MS Mechanical Engineering - Michael Kisner
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Dina Knouse
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Simone Knudsen
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Jackson Kock
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Samantha Korfe
MS Mechanical Engineering - Kartik Koul
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Johul Kurup
MS Electrical Engineering - Tammy Ladue
MSN Nursing - Derrek Landauer
MS Computer Engineering - Chelsea Lane
MOT Occupational Therapy - Sonya Lara
MPA Public Administration - Coleen Lautrup
MCM Construction Management - Victoria Lehocky-Brohard
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Ana Leon
MS Nutrition - Diana Lester
MS Physician Assistant Studies - DeeAnn Lewis
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Reina Lewis
MOT Occupational Therapy - Yi-Ling Lin
EDSPC Educational Leadership - Steve Lindsley
MS Mechanical Engineering - Ciaran Lithgow
MCRP Community & Regional Planning - Yongping Liu
GCERT Elementary Education - Zheng Liu
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Desiree Loggins
MS Geography
"The Nature of Environmental Planning in the Carnue Land Grant" - Manuela Londono Gaviria
MS Biology - Nelson Longmire
MS Mechanical Engineering
"Simulation of supercritical multiphase flows using machine learning" - Christina Lorenzatto
MA Anthropology - LoraAnn Lovato
MSN Nursing - John Lower
MS Anthropology - Alysia Lozoya
MA Elementary Education - Jacob Lucero
MMU Music - Samuel Lutz
MMU Music - Noah Madrid
GCERT Elementary Education - Clara Maeder
GCERT Teaching English as a Second Language - Paula Maestas
MSN Nursing - Perla Maldonado Cortez
MS Mathematics
"Determining the idealizers of principal monomial ideals over a rational normal curve" - Jessica Mandell
MA Secondary Education - Caroline Mangione
MS Chemistry - Keith Mankle
MOT Occupational Therapy - Amanda Manning
MA Secondary Education - Alejandro Martinez
MS Electrical Engineering - Justin Martinez
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Megan Martinez
MOT Occupational Therapy - Samantha Martinez
MOT Occupational Therapy - John Matteson
MS Chemical Engineering
"Modeling And Performance Analysis Of Deb Based Hydrogen Getters" - Elise Matton
MA History - Carolina May
MS Biology
"Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer regeneration response to repeated burning varies by species" - Christa Mayberry
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Pauline Mbugua
MS Chemistry - Rosella McCaffrey
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Jordon McConnell
MA French
"Nelly Arcan, Langage de la honte" - Stephanie McCreary
MA Counseling - Jacob McCullough
MS Computer Science - Samuel McKitrick
MS Biomedical Engineering - Jenna McLaughlin
MA Special Education - Lindsey McMillan
GCERT Applied Behavior Analysis - Carley Medina
MOT Occupational Therapy - Aaron Melad
MS Chemical Engineering
"A Comparative Study of PEO-Polymer Lithium-Stuffed Garnet Composite Electrolytes for Improving Capacity Retention of High-Temperature Lithium-ion Batteries" - Elaine Merola
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Conner Mertz
MS Biology - Erik Migliore
PMS Global & National Security - Katherine Miles
MS Mechanical Engineering
"Material Characterization and Comparison of Sol-gel deposited and RF Magnetron Deposited Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films" - Colin Milhaupt
MS Computer Science - Casey Miller
MS Civil Engineering
"Interfacial Interactions of Uranium and HDPE in agricultural soil and their bioaccumulation in Mentha arvensis" - Harry Miller
MMU Music - Soren Miller
MARCH Architecture - Elena Mitchel
MA Counseling - Mohamed Hijas Mohamed Farook
MS Physics - Elizabeth Molina
MS Nutrition - Charles Montoya
MS Biomedical Engineering
"Development of a Programmable, Open-Source, and Cost-Effective Fluidic System for Cell Culture Applications" - Christella Montoya
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Julianna Montoya
MA Special Education - Jasmine Morse
MA Latin American Studies - Katherine Mulle
MA Communication
"Reimagining Rhetorical Ability: (Dis)Embodiments of Disabled Speakers in the StutterTalk Podcast and the 2020 Democratic National Convention" - Jake Mullery
MPA Public Administration - Monica Mullis
PMS Global & National Security - Azeez Musa
MS Chemistry - Sai Krishna Muthavarapu
MS Computer Engineering - Michael Nafe
MS Computer Science - Jacob Nelson
MS Physics - Vinh Nguyen
MS Electrical Engineering - Miles Nowlin
MA Latin American Studies - Anna Nunn
MOT Occupational Therapy - Isabel O'Brien
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Liam O'Brien
MS Mathematics - Brionna O'Connor
MS Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Grand Canyon National Park's Water Corridor: Water Supply, Water Quality, and Recharge Along the Bright Angel Fault" - Alexis O'Neill
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Mekiel Olguin
MS Nuclear Engineering - Leila Omidvaran
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Ezra Orr-Dick
MA History - Chioma Osuoha
MA Family and Child Studies - Oliver Oviedo
MS Biology
"Transcriptional Analysis Of Maize Under Drought Stress And The Impact Of Plant Maturity" - Hannah Oxford
MA Communication
"Un-Earthing popular climate narratives: maintenance and prophesy In Settler World." - LaCher Pacheco
MA Secondary Education
"Open My eyes and Let's Skoden" - Lisa Pacheco
MSN Nursing - Gokul Rajes Padmanaban
MS Electrical Engineering - Geoffrey Page
MS Electrical Engineering - Ravi Teja Panamgipalli
MS Computer Science - Hannah Pangallo
MS Nutrition - Daniel Parra
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Mariah Patton
MS Biology - Erica Pauer
MS Biology
"Evaluating Microneedle Impedance for Monitoring Water Potential in Vitis vinifera and Helianthus annuus" - Lisa Paz
MPA Public Administration - Arthur Perales
MSN Nursing - Nathan Perdue
MS Earth & Planetary Sciences
"A rapid high-precision analytical method for triple oxygen isotope analysis of CO2 gas using tunable infrared laser direct absorption spectroscopy" - Ernesto Perea
MS Civil Engineering
"Reactions In The Microannulus Of A Wellbore System With Produced Water From The Permian Basin" - Rafael Pereira Marzagao
MMU Music - Tabytha Perez
MS Statistics
"Effect of phylogeny misestimation on estimating trait evolution parameters" - Catherine Peshek
MS Earth & Planetary Sciences - Natasha Phelps
MA Elementary Education - Joseph Polaco
MS Mechanical Engineering - Donovan Polk
MMU Music - Joseph Pomo
MS Mechanical Engineering
"Expanded-Range Venturi Flow Meter: Development and Testing of a 3D-Printed Flow Meter and Solid-State Valve Concept" - Angela Porcar Climent
MS Mechanical Engineering - Lindsey Porter
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Alexis Portillo
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Danessa Posen
MA Special Education - Danessa Posen
GCERT Teaching English as a Second Language - Amos Powell
MS Mechanical Engineering - Kaitlin Puccetti-Deater
MA Counseling - Asma Qamruddin
MPH Public Health - Jie Qin
MS Computer Engineering - Laurren Quintero
MS Mechanical Engineering - Gaythry Raghunathan
MS Chemistry - Rhea Ramakrishnan
MFA Creative Writing
"Spectator" - Mark Ramirez
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Sushyam Ravi
MS Mathematics - Marie Ray
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Theala Redhouse
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Erica Reyes
MA Elementary Education
"What does classroom management and discipline look like for a teacher with social justice in mind?" - Maureen Reyes
MSN Nursing - Sara Reyes
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Nicole Reyna
MS Psychology - Emily Rhoades-Clark
MS Biomedical Engineering - Bryan Richards
MS Physics - Maxwell Richardson
MOT Occupational Therapy - Monica Riewe
MCM Construction Management - Monique Rivera
MS Nutrition - Eva Rivera Lebron
PMS Global & National Security - Shelby Roberts
MFA Art Studio
"In This Warm World Within Stellar Distances" - Amanda Rodriguez
MSN Nursing - Andrea Rogers
MPA Public Administration - Theodore Roper
MS Biology - Lindsey Rotche
MS Geography
"Human-centered Avalanche Susceptibility Mapping" - Rodney Rote
MMU Music - Alexandria Zuniga de Dóchas Rowland
MFA Art Studio
"Wyrd" - Rebecca Roybal
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - L.J. Ruggiero
MS Biomedical Engineering - Lauren Rust
MPA Public Administration - Darcey Rydl
MA Communication
"Coloniality and Paradoxes of Migrancy: Experiences of Nicaraguan Migrants in Costa Rica" - Mariyam Saho
MSN Nursing - Patricia Salas
EDSPC Educational Leadership - Dawn Salazar
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Angelica Sanchez
MS Dental Hygiene
"An Assessment of Pregnant Women's Value and Utilization of Oral Health Care During Pregnancy" - Anthony Sanchez
MA Organization, Information & Learning Sciences - Brianna Sanchez
MA Communication
"Mater's Project - Web Based Critical Autoethnography" - Keith Sanchez
MA Chicana and Chicano Studies
"Building On Historical Chicana And Chicano Movement Pedagogies To Teach New Mexican Manita And Manito Epistemologies To Knowledge And Power Curators" - Joe Scala
MS Geography
"The Changing Urban Forest in Gallup, New Mexico: Contextualizing Urban Tree Programs and Planning Processes" - Alex Schmidt-Gonzales
MS Computer Science - Landon Schmucker
MS Electrical Engineering - Darlene Schubert
MA Educational Psychology - Kenneth Schwartz
MA Special Education - Malachi Segura
MOT Occupational Therapy - Shebati Sengupta
MA American Studies - Feitong Shao
MS Computer Engineering - Evan Sheldahl
MS Physics - Rohit Rajendra Shinde
MS Computer Engineering - Alexander Shoham
MS Computer Engineering - Mark Shover
MS Chemical Engineering - Lynzie Shumway
MS Nutrition - Dasa Silhova
MMU Music - Cameron Smith
MMU Music - David Smith
MS Electrical Engineering - Randi Smith
MS Computer Science - Rachel Snow
MA Museum Studies - Sonya Soltani
MA Elementary Education - Josef Sorenson
MS Physics - Tanushri Srinath
MS Statistics - Nirmala Srinivasamurthy
MS Mathematics - Laura Stacy
MS Biomedical Engineering - Ryan Stairs
MS Mechanical Engineering - Tanner Stegink
MMU Music - Audrey Strawn
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Kayla Streit
PMS Global & National Security - Carly Strickland
MS Chemical Engineering - Elizabeth Sutter
MOT Occupational Therapy - Usame Suud
MS Mathematics
"Music Genre Classification With Convolutional Neural Networks" - Mankah Tadfor
MSN Nursing - Li Chin Tai
MS Nutrition - Brent Thomas
MA Art Education - Rachael Thomas
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Nadia Tiab
MS Nuclear Engineering - Elizabeth Tilly
MS Physics - Matthew Timm
MS Computer Science - Sean Timm
MS Computer Science - Ryan Tingley
MA Counseling - Steven Tise
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Alma Tolaymat
MS Nutrition - Brian Topper
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Ashley Toribio
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Sebastian Torrez
MS Electrical Engineering - Alexandra Truby
MMU Music
"Academic Dialogue in the Elementary General Music Classroom" - Chantel Trujillo
MA Chicana and Chicano Studies - Tatyana Trujillo
MA Chicana and Chicano Studies - Jennifer Tubbs
MFA Creative Writing
"Starseed" - Paige Tunby
MS Civil Engineering
"Rapid Response Protocol (RRP) for Monitoring Water Quality Parameters for Wildfire Disturbance" - Ben Turnley
MS Biology - Benjamin Urioste
MS Mechanical Engineering - Jason Urvanejo
MS Electrical Engineering - Joshua Vallejos
MA Anthropology - Naomi Valles
MSN Nursing - Luisa Valverde
MS Physician Assistant Studies - Alexander Varga
MHA Health Administration - Irma Vazquez
MS Mechanical Engineering - Lourdes Vela-Arias
MA Native American Studies - Eric Villegas
MA Special Education - Alex Vinyard
MOT Occupational Therapy - Francisco Viramontes
MS Computer Engineering - Yvonnie Vitanzos
MA Family and Child Studies - Sarah Vite
MFA Art Studio
"Credit discrepancy" - Lindsay Volk
GCERT University Science Teaching Biomed Science - Yingfan Wang
MS Computer Science - Yujue Wang
MS Chemistry - Adil Wani
MS Biology - Bree Wayt
MSN Nursing - Grace Weaver
MMU Music
"A Theory of Text Setting Contour: A Proposed Theory That Places Text at the Structural Foreground of the Analysis of Vocal Music" - Anna Welch
MOT Occupational Therapy - Hunter Wheatcraft
MMU Music - Rebekah Whipple
PMS Global & National Security - Sheena Whitaker
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Kate Wilkins
MWR Water Resources - Hope Willenbrink-Marchesi
MMU Music - Megan Willoughby
MA Special Education - Alyssa Wilson-Baxter
MS Statistics - Wil Windham
MMU Music - Sarah Winger
MHA Health Administration - Taite Winter
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Courtney Wolf
MSN Nursing - Jessica Wolf
MA Counseling - Heather Wolinska
GCERT Educational Diagnosis - Catherine Woo
MMU Music - Sabreen Woolfolk
MS Speech-Language Pathology - Sara Wortman
MA Counseling - Elijah Wyckoff
MS Mechanical Engineering
"Augmented Reality (ar) For Human Control Of Engineering Tasks" - James Wymer
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Anthony Yates
PMS Global & National Security - Renata Yazzie
MMU Music
"Jesus Woodl¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿j¿¿¿¿¿¿ Sin: Sounding a Self-Determined Navajo Christian Church" - Daniel Yim
MMU Music - Josie Zabala
MA Counseling - Jin Zhang
MS Computer Science - Xiaobing Zhu
MS Optical Science & Engineering - Jalan Ziyad
MS Physics
Anderson School of Management
- Pamela Agoyo
MBA Executive MBA Program - Michael Aguayo
MBA Business Administration - Lawrence Alderete
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Justin Allen
MBA Business Administration - Miguel Almeida
MBA Business Administration - Damon Alvarez
MBA Business Administration - Kaylee Amershek
MBA Business Administration - Sage Anible
MBA Executive MBA Program - Destiny Archibeque-Lovato
MS Project Management - Alicyn Archuleta
MBA Business Administration - Amanda Archuleta
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Eric Archuleta
MBA Executive MBA Program - Asif Asghar
MBA Business Administration - Noelle Ashoo
MBA Executive MBA Program - Gabriella Atencio
MBA Business Administration - Adrianna Avent
MBA Business Administration - Roxanne Baca
MBA Executive MBA Program - Randilyn Baca-Lesperance
MBA Business Administration - Mark Bailon
MBA Business Administration - Sofia Bajana Meza
MBA Executive MBA Program - Sarah Ball
MACCT Accounting - Travis Barnette
MACCT Accounting - Kerrie Barney
MACCT Accounting - Mary Barragan
MS Project Management - Allen Bassett
MBA Executive MBA Program - Jeremy Benally
MS Project Management - Leland Benn
MBA Business Administration - Adam Biederwolf
MBA Business Administration - Liz Blankenhorn
MBA Business Administration - Holly Blue-Sky
MBA Business Administration - Charles Book
MS Information Systems & Assurance - La Vonda Bowens
MBA Executive MBA Program - Emma Bradley
MBA Business Administration - Stephanie Breezee
MBA Business Administration - Martin Caller
MBA Business Administration - Saul Carrillo
MBA Business Administration - Jose Casaus
MACCT Accounting - Catrina Castillo
MS Project Management - Marques Chaleunphonh
MBA Business Administration - Jacquelyn Chasteen
MBA Business Administration - Christina Chavez
MBA Executive MBA Program - Diego Chavez
MBA Business Administration - Patrick Chee
MBA Executive MBA Program - Stacy Chesney
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Ian Chisholm
MACCT Accounting - Lauren Chlapaty
MBA Business Administration - Serena Chon
MBA Business Administration - Tye Clark
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Logan Colyer
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Jordan Cooper
MACCT Accounting - Scott Crago
MBA Business Administration - Alexandra Crespo Ramirez
MBA Business Administration - Rachael Cuellar
MBA Business Administration - Nicholas Dahlquist
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Hoai Thuong Dang
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Kiranpreet Datta
MBA Executive MBA Program - Jan Dawson
MBA Executive MBA Program - Daniel DeGraff
MS Project Management - John Dillon
MBA Business Administration - Mark Dixon
MBA Executive MBA Program - Patrick Duran
MBA Executive MBA Program - Serena Duran
MACCT Accounting - Karyn Estrada
MBA Executive MBA Program - Anna Evanitz
MBA Business Administration - Fan Feng
GCERT Management - Tasha-Kay Finizzo
MBA Business Administration - Isaac Finn
MS Project Management - Heidi Fischer
MBA Executive MBA Program - Alison Flack
MS Project Management - Suzanne Flynn
MBA Business Administration - Bryan Foster
MS Project Management - Brianna Fragua
MBA Business Administration - Adrian Franco
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Jillian Frye
MBA Business Administration - Sonali Gandhi
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Janet Garcia
MBA Business Administration - Monique Garcia
MBA Executive MBA Program - Sabrina Garcia
MBA Business Administration - Madison Garrett
MS Project Management - Victoriana Gassib
MBA Business Administration - Devin Geraci
MBA Business Administration - Steven Giles
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Kimberly Gleason
MBA Executive MBA Program - Marissa Gomez
MS Project Management - Jerome Gonzales
MBA Executive MBA Program - Rachel Gordon
MBA Business Administration - Christopher Graham
MACCT Accounting - Derek Gray
MBA Business Administration - Maegen Lynn Griego
MBA Executive MBA Program - Vincent Guerrero
MBA Business Administration - Joshua Gurule
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Maya Hena
MBA Business Administration - Cristian Hernandez
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - George Hernandez
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Victoria Hernandez
MBA Business Administration - Leslie Herrera
MS Project Management - Savaunah Herrera
MBA Business Administration - Kelsey Higgins
MBA Executive MBA Program - Bobby Hinojos
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - MacLain David Hollerbach
MBA Business Administration - Jack Holmes
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Brandt Hughes
MBA Business Administration - Justin Hyde
MBA Executive MBA Program - Avital Jaloba
MS Project Management - Marcus Jaramillo
MBA Business Administration - Cyndi Jarvison
MBA Executive MBA Program - Natasha Johnson
MBA Executive MBA Program - Marilou Joson
MBA Business Administration - Rumana Karim
MACCT Accounting - Nicholas Kemp
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Rabia Khan
MS Project Management - Zahid Khan
MBA Executive MBA Program - Jasper Kigar
MS Project Management - Ryan Kirby
MBA Business Administration - Anne Kirk
MBA Executive MBA Program - Miranda Kitts
MBA Executive MBA Program - Jillian Konst
MBA Executive MBA Program - Thomas Kwei
MS Project Management - Geralene Lahi
MBA Business Administration - Baylen Lamkin
MBA Executive MBA Program - Blaire Larson
MACCT Accounting - Joseph Latino
MS Project Management - Timothy Le
MACCT Accounting - Alexandra Leaton
MBA Business Administration - Kyle Lewiecki
MBA Business Administration - Ian Lewis
MS Project Management - Ryan Lewis
MBA Executive MBA Program - Yang Lin
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Devon Lopez
MBA Executive MBA Program - Jennifer Lopez
MS Project Management - Regina Lopez
MACCT Accounting - Courtney Love
MBA Business Administration - Erica Lowry
MBA Executive MBA Program - Cassondra Lucero
MACCT Accounting - Claudia Lucero
MBA Business Administration - Elizabeth Ly
MACCT Accounting - Marisa Maestas
MBA Business Administration - Samantha Marcus
MBA Executive MBA Program - Michael Marquez
MS Project Management - Aaron Martinez
MS Project Management - Maude May
MBA Executive MBA Program - Monroe McClarren
MBA Business Administration - Claire McCroary
MACCT Accounting - Bobbie McMullin
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Ashtyn Megariz
MS Project Management - Diana Mendoza
MACCT Accounting - Taylor Mierzejewski
MACCT Accounting - Nicole Miles
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Kaitlin Mitchell
MBA Business Administration - hanif Mohamed
MBA Executive MBA Program - Maria Carmela Mondragon
MS Project Management - Julianne Montano
MBA Executive MBA Program - Jaime Montoya
MBA Business Administration - Marc Montoya
MBA Executive MBA Program - Vincent Montoya
MBA Business Administration - Allison Moore
MS Project Management - Shelby Morgan
MBA Business Administration - Jeff Morris
MBA Executive MBA Program - Lindsey Moseley
MACCT Accounting - Dana Munguia
MBA Business Administration - Langston Murray
MBA Business Administration - Tatiana Nassiri
MBA Business Administration - Amber Nelson
MS Project Management - Beilen Nesbitt
MBA Business Administration - Ashley Nkebengeshe
MBA Business Administration - Kristen Norris
MS Project Management - Brandon Norton
MBA Executive MBA Program - Mmachi Nwoke
MBA Business Administration - Hyginus Offor
MBA Executive MBA Program - Francisco Ojeda
MBA Executive MBA Program - Charla Orozco
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Denise Pacheco
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Rebekah Pacheco
MBA Business Administration - Gokul Rajes Padmanaban
MBA Business Administration - George Palomino
MS Project Management - Navin Pandey
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Vishal Patel
MBA Business Administration - Derek Pino
MBA Executive MBA Program - Jared Pollock
MBA Business Administration - Jessica Quinn
MBA Business Administration - Christopher Rackley
MBA Business Administration - Lawrence Rael
MBA Executive MBA Program - John Rasmussen
MBA Executive MBA Program - Lucas Reynolds
MBA Business Administration - Sarah Rippberger
MACCT Accounting - Ryan Rivera
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Shea Roccaforte
MACCT Accounting - Denisha Romero
MBA Executive MBA Program - Joseph Romero
MS Project Management - Rachel Romero
MBA Business Administration - Frank Roybal
MBA Business Administration - Frank Roybal
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Manuel Rubio
MBA Executive MBA Program - Ady Ruiz-Olivas
MBA Business Administration - Alissa Sanchez
MBA Business Administration - Allyson Sanchez
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Pedro Sanchez
MBA Business Administration - Pranil Sangroula
MACCT Accounting - Carla Santos
MBA Business Administration - Donald Sarich
MBA Executive MBA Program - John Saucedo
MBA Business Administration - David Sayers
MBA Executive MBA Program - Matthew Schimmel
MBA Business Administration - Shandiin Shirley
MBA Executive MBA Program - Collin Shumway
MS Project Management - Hallie Simoes
MS Project Management - Amalia Singledecker
MBA Executive MBA Program - Tyler Smith
MBA Executive MBA Program - Eunice Solis
MS Project Management - Ara Soltani
MBA Business Administration - George Steinkamp
MBA Business Administration - Hector Stephenson
MBA Executive MBA Program - Alexandru Stoica
MS Project Management - Joshua Struck
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Brandon Tafoya
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Samuel Tapper
MBA Business Administration - Herlinda Tercero
MBA Business Administration - Keyshawn Tindal
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Alesia Torres
MBA Executive MBA Program - Dharish Totiger
MBA Business Administration - Dharish Totiger
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Bryan Trevino-Rivas
MBA Executive MBA Program - Janice Trujillo
MBA Business Administration - Savannah Trujillo
MBA Executive MBA Program - Stephanie Trujillo-Weathers
MBA Business Administration - Duane Ulibarri
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Sai Uppu
MBA Business Administration - Lorissa Urban
MBA Executive MBA Program - Estevan Valdez
MS Project Management - Victoria Valdez
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Aritza Valles
MBA Business Administration - Tanya VandenBusch
MS Project Management - Christopher Velasquez
MS Information Systems & Assurance - Rahul Verma
MS Cybersecurity & Business Analytics - Gabrielle Vigil
MS Project Management - Markilee Vigil
MS Project Management - Monique Vigil
MS Project Management - Achyut Warrier
MBA Business Administration - Michael White Eagle
MBA Business Administration - Edward Wilson
MBA Business Administration - Hayden Wilson
MBA Business Administration - Valerie Wing
MBA Business Administration - Sofia Ximenez-Byrne
MBA Business Administration - Deanna Young
MBA Business Administration - Jonathan Zambrano
MS Project Management - Chu Zou
MACCT Accounting
School of Law
- Marlene Armijo
MSL Studies in Law - Julia Ruetten
MSL Studies in Law