Summer and Fall 2022 doctoral and terminal degrees
The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates' degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student's official graduation status.
Graduate Programs
- Meenu Ajith
PHD Engineering
"Exploratory Analysis of Machine Learning for Images: Methods and Applications" - Rana Albelaihi
PHD Computer Science
"Adaptive Federated Learning for the Internet of Things" - Kelly Albonico
PHD Psychology
"Spirituality, Well-being, and the Role of Oneness" - Michael Alicto
Doctor of Physical Therapy - Evelyn Almeida Garcia
PHD Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
"EFL Teachers' Understandings of the Role of Assessment in Second Language Learning" - David Arredondo
PHD Nanoscience & Microsystems Engineering
"Control Mechanisms for Nanoscale Devices" - Mohammad Assiri
PHD Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
"An Application of Tajfel's Social Identity Theory to Understand Gamer as a Social Identity Among Saudi College-Level Students" - Noorie Baig
PHD Communication
"How South Asian American Activists Queer the Model Minority Myth: A Critical Oral History Project" - Yazan Khaled Rafiq Barqawi
PHD Pharmaceutical Science
"Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Receipt of Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factor Screening and Treatment Among Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Androgen Deprivation Therapy." - Cody Bassett
PHD Optical Science & Engineering
"Investigation of Laser and Nonlinear Properties of Anderson Localizing Optical Fibers" - Alexi Besser
PHD Biology
"Combining Isotopic and Genetic Analyses to Quantify Microbial Facilitation of Recalcitrant Resource Use by Terrestrial and Aquatic Consumers" - Matthew Bivin
Doctor of Physical Therapy - Andrea Borunda
PHD English
"Maneuvering Mestizaje in Shakespeare's Tragicomedies" - Kelsey Bourbeau
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"Effects Of Home-based High-intensity Interval Training Versus Continuous Walking On Cognition In Overweight And Obese Women" - Renee Brown
PHD Biology
"Above- and belowground responses to environmental change in the northern Chihuahuan Desert" - Diego Bustos
PHD Spanish & Portuguese
"ESCRIBIR EL DESARROLLO, DESPLEGAR LA CULTURA: HISTORIAS DE IMAGINACION ECONOMICA EN COLOMBIA Y BRASIL Writing development, advancing writing: history an stories of the economic imagination in Colombia and Brazil." - Eliberto Calderon
PHD Organization, Information & Learning Sciences
"The Warrior-to-scholar Identity Transformation: A Study Of Enlisted Combat Student Veterans At The University Of New Mexico" - Kaleb Campbell
PHD Optical Science & Engineering
"Atomic Gradiometry Based on the Interference of Microwave Optical Sidebands" - Tessa Cappelle
PHD Psychology
"Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychopathy in Incarcerated Men and Women" - Avinandan Chakraborty
PHD Economics
"Return Migration, Human Capital and Labor Outcomes" - Smriti Chaulagain
PHD Engineering
"An Investigation of Emerging Technologies to Advance the Understanding of Dynamics Between the Floodplain and Main Channel due to Riparian Vegetation" - Jee Won Choi
PHD Engineering
"Cyber-Secure Distributed Control of Microgrids with Improved Communication and Control Protocols" - Jeongwon Choi
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"Academic and Athletic Motivation of Collegiate Athletes and their Career Transition Plans: A Mixed-Method Approach" - Robert Christner
PHD Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
"The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Digital Divide on Public Education in New Mexico" - Mark Cisneros
PHD Spanish & Portuguese
"The Development of Discourse Markers in Narrations Written by Spanish Heritage Language Learners: A Case for Explicit and Implicit Instruction" - Ranjana Dangi
PHD Chemistry
"Computational, Synthetic and Spectroscopic Studies on Donor Acceptor Transition Metal Complexes" - Desa Daniel
PHD Counselor Education
"Grounded Theory Black Womxn Leadership Experiences in National Academic Professional" - Jorge Diaz Cruz
PHD Engineering
"Machine Learning for Control of Superconducting RF Cavities" - Telmo Diez Perez
PHD Engineering
"Engineered nucleic acid-binding intrinsically disordered proteins for biomedical applications" - Yuka Doherty
PHD Sociology
"Boundaries of Citizenship: Gendered and Racialized Reproduction and Motherhood in Contemporary Japan" - Jessica Donaldson
PHD Special Education
"Effectiveness of the Social Behavior Mapping Intervention on the Social Communication Skills of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder" - Gerri Duran
PHD Communication
"That's A Wrap: Using Cultural Discourse Analysis To Explicate The Film Portrayal Of Communication Between Elderly Parents And Their Adult Child(ren) In A Caregiving Relationship" - Bethany Edwards
PHD Psychology
"Psychosocial and Neuroprediction of Criminal Recidivism in a Sample of Adult Female Offenders" - Sarah Fairbanks-Ukropen
PHD History
"Church, Law And Literature: The Interconnected Social Structures Of Domestic Violence In The Medieval And Early Modern Periods" - Zachary Fennel
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"Heat Stress and the Control of Skeletal Muscle Mass" - Maria del Pilar File-Muriel
PHD Anthropology
"Relational Peace in Colombia: An Ethnography of Multi-Scalar Affective Relations Among Peace Practitioners" - Georgios Fragkos
PHD Engineering
"Autonomous Decision-Making in Interdependent Computing Systems based on Artificial Intelligence" - Anthony Gargano
PHD Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Halogen and Non-traditional Isotope Geochemistry of Planetary and Terrestrial Materials" - Lisa German
PHD Communication
""Sometimes You Just Want to Be Another Parent and Another Kid at the Party": Exploring Parental Narratives Surrounding Disclosure of Child's Epilepsy" - Nathan Giannini-Hutchin
PHD Optical Science & Engineering
"Investigation of GaAs Double Heterostructures for Photonic Heat Engines" - Margaret Glasgow
PHD Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Induced Seismicity in the Raton Basin and Global Variability of the 410-km Discontinuity" - Laura Golobish
PHD Art History
"Graphic Scotland: Visuality and Empire, 1810-1913" - Ann Lyn Hall
EDD Educational Leadership
"Text nudges: Proactive communication by an urban community college" - Ming Hao
PHD Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Single-crystal elasticity of clinopyroxenes and the viscosity of kimberlite magma under high pressure-temperature conditions" - Md Mehadi Hassan
PHD Nanoscience & Microsystems Engineering
"Characterization of materials properties in Additively Manufactured AISI420 martensitic steel deposited by Laser engineered net shaping" - Reilly Hatch
PHD History
"The Bluff and Blanding Fights: Race, Religion, and Settler Colonialism in Progressive-Era America" - Mariana Herring
PHD Spanish & Portuguese
"Lecturas ecoculturales del Caribe hispanico y frances y del Brasil" - Miguel Hombrados Herrera
PHD Engineering
"GPK: A probabilistic method for hourly day-ahead power load forecasting." - Elspeth Iralu
PHD American Studies
"Technologies of Territoriality: Indigeneity, Surveillance, and the State" - James Ivey
PHD Art History
""By Order of the Commandant General": Eighteenth-Century Bourbon Reforms and the Architecture of Mission San Francisco de la Espada, San Antonio, Texas" - Kevin Jackson
PHD English
"Beyond Seeing: Sight, Mind, and Power in Early-Medieval England" - Pavlina Kalm
PHD Linguistics
"Social verbs: a force-dynamic analysis" - Tohid Khalili
PHD Engineering
"Optimal Management of Renewable Energy Resources to Increase Resilience of Power Systems" - Niraj Khatiwada
PHD Economics
"The Health and Socioeconomic Burdens of Air Pollution and Public Preference for Air Quality Improvement" - Keisuke Kimura
PHD Communication
"(Un)Matched: Racialized Narratives of U.S.-Based Japanese Men, Masculinity, and Heterosexuality in Online Dating Apps" - Hope Kitts
PHD Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
""the Ghost Of Freire Is In My Kitchen Now”: Dominant Ideology And Critical Possibility In Teachers’ Dialogue On Pedagogy Of The Oppressed" - Michael Kolikant
Doctor of Physical Therapy - Aurora Kraus
PHD Biology
"Olfactory detection of viruses shapes brain immunity and behavior" - Nicole Kubinec
PHD Psychology
"Exploring Components for a Family-Focused Intervention for Families with a Child Diagnosed with Cancer and Other Chronic Illnesses" - Alan Lambert
EDD Educational Leadership
"Student Voice and Choice: Factors Influencing Student Participation in Secondary Arts Classes in an Urban Public School District" - Anh-Dung Le
PHD Nanoscience & Microsystems Engineering
"Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Colloidal Nanoparticles." - Andrew Leach
PHD Organization, Information & Learning Sciences
"The Influence Of Blackoard And Twitter On Social Presence, Sense Of Community And User Interface Satisfaction In A Distance Education Course" - Eric Leslie
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"Perinatal exercise effectiveness to prevent offspring high-altitude pulmonary hypertension" - Kittika Limpariwatthana
PHD Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
"Writer Identity Construction Of Thai Efl Students: A Phenomenological Study" - Abdulaziz Masoud
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"The Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate on Acute Kidney Injury Markers During Physical Work in the Heat" - Joshua Maxwell
PHD Psychology
"A Meta Analysis And Investigation Of Attention Bias For Facial Expressions Of Emotion" - Brandon Medina
PHD Physics
"Distance Estimates to Evolved Stars Using Infrared Emission and Verification and Validation of the Plasma Code EMPIRE" - Austin Megli
PHD Organization, Information & Learning Sciences
"Social Presence as a Predictor of Social Construction of Knowledge in Discussion Forums in Asynchronous Online Higher Education Courses" - Maria Meza Morejon
PHD Engineering
"Thermodynamic And Kinetic Investigation Of U(vi) And As(v) Reactions: Insights For Risk Assessesment And Remediation" - Desmond Millender
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"A Metabolic Profile of Escalating Density Training" - Farnood Mirkhosravi
PHD Optical Science & Engineering
"Gamma and Neutron Irradiation Impacts on Ga-polar and N-polar GaN-based diodes" - Abdel Mohamed
PHD Mathematics
"The Obata First Eigenvalue Theorem on a Seven Dimensional Quaternionic Contact Manifold" - Jorden Morales
PHD Special Education
"Adult Perspectives of Friendships and Social Interaction Between Students with and without Complex Support Needs During a Pandemic" - Manuel Munoz Arias
PHD Physics
"Nonequilibrium and nonlinear dynamics in collective spin models and implementations using quantum feedback control" - Raymond Nance
PHD Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
"The Role Of Self-efficacy And Emotional Exhaustion In Teacher Considerations Of Job-related Stressors And Attrition: A Mixed-methods Study" - Cayla Nelson
PHD Nanoscience & Microsystems Engineering
"Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Metal Matrix Composites for use in Photovoltaic Gridline Applications" - Florent Nkouaga Angounou
PHD Political Science
"Understanding the Interconnection between Public Health and Political Behaviors in a Politically Polarized Context: the Impact of Race, Political Attitudes, and Policy Factors on the US COVID-19 Pandemic Response." - Anthony O'Sickey
PHD Psychology
"The Relationship Matters: Empathy, hostility, and drinking outcomes in the COMBINE research study" - Jonathan Odumegwu
PHD Statistics
"Heterogeneity of Gene Trees" - Timothy Ohlert
PHD Biology
"Biodiversity and global change in terrestrial ecosystems" - Evans Onyango
PHD Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Dense Array Seismic Imaging of Earth's Crust using Active and Passive Sources" - Bokyung Park
PHD Nanoscience & Microsystems Engineering
"Enhancing optical and thermal properties of nanofibrous films inspired by the white beetle scale" - Mariah Partida
PHD Philosophy
"Vulnerability, Invulnerability, and the Mechanism of Disavowal" - Sangita Paudel
PHD Chemistry
"Excited State Processes in Radical Elaborated Platinum Donor-Acceptor Complexes" - Bettie Petersen
PHD Educational Linguistics
"How Hearing Parents with Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children Construct Deafness Through Their Early Intervention Experience" - Binod Prasad Poudel
PHD Engineering
"Protection and Control of Electric Power Grid under High Penetration of DERs" - Mahyar Pourghasemi
PHD Engineering
"On The Effects Of Geometrical And Fluid Conditions On Thermal-hydraulics Of Miniature Heat Sinks" - Chuck Provencio
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"Understanding the occupational socialization of tennis coaches: Using a grounded theory approach to explore reasons for entering the coaching profession" - Mohammed Quazi
PHD Statistics
"Applications of Machine Learning Algorithms in Materials Science and Bioinformatics" - Aswathy Rajendra Kurup
PHD Engineering
"Combinatorial CNN meta-structures in deep learning applications" - Beret Ravenscroft
PHD Nursing
"Relationships Between Self-Efficacy, Participation in Prison Programs, and Perceived Ability to Live Crime Free Upon Release From Prison" - Rogelio Realzola
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"The effects of whole-body hot water immersion after exercise induced muscle damage on exercise performance and inflammatory markers." - Kevin Reilly
PHD Nanoscience & Microsystems Engineering
"Void-Semiconductor GaAs Photonic Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers by Epitaxial Regrowth and Single-Epitaxy Methods" - Nathaniel Ristoff
PHD Physics
"Magnetic microscopy and search for exotic interaction detection with color centers in diamond" - Brian Romero
PHD Engineering
"FIESTA and Shock-Driven Flows" - Natalie Saiz
EDD Educational Leadership
"What are student and staff perceptions of the relationship between sense of belonging and academic achievement in relation to Learning Communities." - Ann Sander
PHD Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
"Primary General Education Teacher Perceptions And Experiences Teaching Inclusion In U.s. Schools" - Aditi Sarkar
PHD Economics
"The Economic Impact Of Oil And Gas Production In The Permian Basin" - Kim Scheerer
EDD Educational Leadership
"Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Project-based Learning (PBL) Education: A New Mexico Case-Study for Equity and Inclusion" - David Schodt
PHD Physics
"Optical and Computational Methods for Detection and Quantification of Protein-Protein Interactions using Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy" - Katlin Schroeder
PHD Biology
"Ontogenetic Niche Shift as a Driver of Community Structure and Diversity in Non-Avian Dinosaurs" - Kritika Sen Chakraborty
PHD Economics
"Essays on human capital, labor, and gender" - Samantha Sengel
EDD Educational Leadership
"The Return on Investment of Dual Credit" - Pallavi Sharma
PHD Engineering
"Design, microfabrication and characterization of vibrating mesh atomizer for viscous fluids" - Michael Sherburne
PHD Engineering
"Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Electro-Optic Radio-Frequency Probes For High Field Environments" - Mohammad Ashraf Siddiquee
PHD Computer Science
"Machine Learning Techniques for Seismic Data Analysis and Explosion Monitoring" - Corey Skinner
PHD Engineering
"Simulation of Thermal Radiation Transport in Stochastic Media with Nonlinear Temperature Dependence" - Justin Smith
PHD Engineering
"Towards Robust Channel Dynamics: Photoionization in Nitrogen and Air" - Elena Stein
PHD Psychology
"Validation of the Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment Among Diverse Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder" - Zayna Stevens
PHD Mathematics
"Robust Uncertainty Quantification with Analysis of Error in Standard and Non-standard Quantities of Interest" - Radha Swaminathan
PHD Engineering
"Spatial Single-cell Identification Of Cell Layers Within Mouse Brain Using A Novel Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Technology" - Khaled Talaat
PHD Engineering
"Computational Methods, Investigations, and Codes to Support Corrosion Experiments in Molten Lead and Transfer to Reactor Conditions" - Rajani Thapa Magar
PHD Chemistry
"Syntheses and Characterization of photoactive ruthenium and iron polypyridyl complexes" - Daniel Timmons
PHD Engineering
"The Effects Of A Power Iteration-based K-eigenvalue Solver For Various Subcritical Parameters And Calculations" - LisaMarie Turk
PHD Nursing
"Applying Data Science and Machine Learning to Understand Health Care Transition for Adolescents and Emerging Adults with Special Health Care Needs" - Devin Ulrich
PHD Psychology
"Neuroanatomical and Environmental Correlates of Psychopathy Subtypes in Incarcerated Youth and Implications for Recidivism" - Mercedes Valenzuela
PHD Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
"Creating Counter-hegemonic Spaces In A Spanish Language Arts Classroom" - Fiorella Vera Adrianzen
PHD Political Science
"Building Justice from Below: Victim Participation and Reparations in Post-Conflict Peru" - Kristen Vitek
PHD Psychology
"Women's Response Performance in Sexually Risky Situations: Associations with Sexual Victimization History, Alcohol Use, Psychopathology, and Sexual Attitudes" - Lindsay Volk
PHD Biomedical Sciences
"Inhibition of Rad18 by Arsenic" - Lidong Wang
PHD Statistics
"Statistical Methods for Differential Gene Expression Analysis under the Case-Cohort Design" - Xuemei Wang
PHD Optical Science & Engineering
"Integrated Grating couplers on-a-chip: characterizations and applications" - Yingqi Wang
PHD Chemistry
"Theoretical Studies of Molecule-Surface Interactions and Dynamics" - Yong Wang
PHD Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
"Status Seeking In Conspicuous Spectator Sports Consumption: A Self-determination Perspective" - Usamah Wasif
PHD Economics
"Three Essays on Student Enrollment Responses from General Household and Education-Specific Assistance Programs" - Jon Williams
PHD Sociology
""Mexico has spilt American blood upon American soil!" The Role of the Mexico - U.S. Border in the Promotion of American Nationalism, 1821-1920" - Jessie Williamson
PHD Biology
"The role of elevation in the migration, physiology, and genomic diversification of birds" - Jessica Yeaton
Doctor of Physical Therapy - Changhao Yi
PHD Physics
"Resource estimation of quantum simulation algorithms" - Han Zhang
PHD Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Observational constraints on the 520 km mantle discontinuity, mantle transition zone anisotropy, and local seismicity at Mount St. Helens" - Wenyi Zhou
PHD Earth & Planetary Sciences
"Single-crystal elasticity of Earth's mantle transition zone minerals and High pressure-temperature phase equilibrium experiments on Martian basalts"
College of Nursing
- Radcliffe Myers
DNP Nursing
College of Pharmacy
- Nickolas Osking
Doctor of Pharmacy
School of Law
- Aisha Abdulla
Juris Doctor - Lauren Chavez
Juris Doctor - Sarah Edwards
Juris Doctor - Kevin Garcia
Juris Doctor - Aaron Gawrych Goodshore
Juris Doctor - Nicholas Guttenberg
Juris Doctor - Angela Harris
Juris Doctor - Richard Hunt
Juris Doctor - Zachary Manning
Juris Doctor - Alexis Mena
Juris Doctor - Santiago Piza Cossio
Juris Doctor - Jay Rodgers
Juris Doctor - John Stomp
Juris Doctor - Samantha Wauls
Juris Doctor
School of Medicine
- Gretta Evans
Doctor of Medicine - Jolene Lobo
Doctor of Medicine - Nichole McGuire
Doctor of Medicine - George Norwood
Doctor of Medicine - Logan Wolfel
Doctor of Medicine