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UNM Graduation Events

Honorary Degree: Fred Harris

Portrait photo of Fred Harris
Former United States Senator Fred Harris, B.A., J.D.

At 93, a nationally recognized author, lecturer, and public intellectual, former United States Senator Fred Harris, B.A., J.D., “with distinction,” is UNM Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Director Emeritus and founder of the UNM Fred Harris Congressional Internship Program. He has produced 20 non-fiction books on politics, government, and public policy, including The New Populism, as editor, New Mexico 2050, and as co-editor, Locked in the Poorhouse: Cities, Race, and Poverty in the U.S., as well as three novels, including the award-winning Coyote Revenge. His latest book, Report of a Last Survivor, a memoir, will appear August 2024.