Message from the President

Garnett S. Stokes
President of The University of New Mexico
Congratulations, Class of 2022! On behalf of the entire University of New Mexico community, we are proud to honor you and your achievements at today’s commencement celebration. “Commencement” comes from the Old French, meaning “a beginning or start.” Today, your new beginning signals that you have reached the end of one journey, and now start a new adventure, with new and exciting challenges and opportunities.
Commencement is a tradition that marks the intersection of the past and the future. At The University of New Mexico, we thrive at this intersection, embracing our state’s vibrant culture founded on wisdom that has been handed down from our elders—part of a colorful legacy inherited from all those who have shaped the past, present, and future of this rugged, beautiful land. At the same time, we look to those same traditions that keep us connected to the lessons of the past as new inspiration for the forging of our future.
Today, as we honor your accomplishments as graduates of The University of New Mexico, we are celebrating your part in our ongoing story, and sharing in the mutual excitement of a future filled with endless possibilities. Great universities foster discovery in every discipline. At UNM, we strive to give our graduates the courage and wisdom to ask challenging questions and the perseverance and skills to find the answers. As you look ahead, I hope you will apply that joyful spirit of curiosity to all aspects of your life.
Your education and experiences as a Lobo have prepared you to meet life’s challenges head on. I hope you will build on all that our university has given you as you take knowledge to new heights, imagine the impossible, then work to make your dreams a reality. With the power of your education, each of you has the capacity not only to improve your own lives, but the lives of those around you. As Lobos, we embrace that obligation to our communities warmly and willingly.
As a UNM graduate and lifelong member of our pack, you will always have a home here at the University of New Mexico. Congratulations, and Go Lobos!
Garnett S. Stokes
President of The University of New Mexico